
German Sparkassenstiftung Jordan operates within the framework of the German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation Head Office in Bonn, Germany.

German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (DSIK) is the development-policy arm of the Sparkassen Finance Group and is an implementing agency of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its task is to disseminate the successful Sparkasse model across regional borders and around the globe and aims to increase access, usage, and quality of financial services worldwide. 

The overall objective of the project Strengthening the resilience of population groups in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is to improve the socio-economic living conditions of the population in Jordan.

The project’s activities serve to support low-income families to increase their income by providing financial services for micro and small businesses and to improve their financial and business knowledge to enable them to benefit from financial services in a sustainable manner. In the medium term, this has an impact on many areas of life. Because poverty does not just mean a lack of money - access to financial resources enables families, for example, to eat better, to send their children to school or to be able to use health services, economic participation, being able to save or avoid over-indebtedness.

We work closely with educational partner institutions in Jordan, assisting them to strengthen the ability to design and implement needs-based financial education programmes, which have been sustainably developed in cooperation with state actors and other donor initiatives. On the supply side, we work with microfinance institutions to advance their non-financial services and training opportunities for their clients as well as develop financial products that suit the needs of disadvantaged population groups in Jordan.

Although strengthening the resilience of population groups in Jordan is German Sparkassenstiftung’s first project in the country, DSIK is currently successfully engaged in more than 50 countries worldwide. German Sparkassenstiftung has been involved in the institutional strengthening of the microfinance sector worldwide and aims at becoming a leading partner for the microfinance sector in Jordan, working against the current challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic as well as relevant climate adaptation measures.



Paul Kriews
Project Manager Europe / Central Asia / MENA 


Lydia Nafa
Country Representative 


Ziad Al Refai
Financial Expert


Kawthar Al Zo'ubi
Project Coordinator

Haneen Qutaish
Trainer and Training Coordinator


Hedaia Hammad
Operations and Finance Officer


Dana Abdolhadi
Trainer and Training Coordinator

Basil Alsnaseleh
Training Coordinator